Our city has an extensive family service center (Hillside Children's Center) which includes residential facilities for teens, emergency housing, crisis intervention, family services and group homes. Many of the residents have been patients on the floor where I work. Each year they run a program called Special Santas to help the 4,000 families they serve (approximately 6,000 individuals). The ages are typically 11-18 years old - and often a forgotten group at the holidays. Everyone loves to buy for the little ones and teens are lost in the shuffle. This is a program we like to support and we can chose names of kids who have their requests written on cards. We had a ball doing some early Christmas shopping!! Here are the gifts all ready to be tagged and delivered!

What a lovely idea, I'm sure they'll be well appreciated.
Wonderful program. You have such a kind heart.
Thank you for your efforts!
Everyone that is a part of Hillside Special Santas and all of the children and families served by Hillside Family of Agencies really appreciate all that you are doing. Your actions are truly reflective of that special human quality that is shown when there are others in need.
If you'd like to keep up to date with what's happening this year at Hillside Special Santas, please take a look at our blog:
Again, thank you!
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