It will even get to her on time most likely. I thought the post office was going to be late and there was a mad scramble to find a box for all her presents and to get in the door before they closed. My husband did a wonderful job for his part - getting the box and getting there. She is going to just love it! The cat, Stashu, is still her "baby" and he has feline leukemia and has bouts of getting really sick, then rallying. It's been hard on her. She raised him from kittenhood and he has brought her (and us) a lot of pressure. She has the loudest purr!

I am a bit stressed because tonight I start on the evening shift at work. I haven't worked anything but night shift when most of the kiddos are asleep or was on disability for the past year and a half +. Luckily, I only have one evening until next week, then starts the every other weekend rotation. UGH. I actually applied and interviewed for a position in a pediatric office. I'm not sure how I feel about the huge cut in pay or the near lack of benefits. If I get the offer, it will be a tough decision. Part of me just can imagine going back to every other weekend and every other holiday. It gets old fast, believe me!
In the cross stitch world, I'm making a few "Believe" freebies. They came out really pretty and I have to figure out how I want to finish them. I'm running out of time. I can always save them for next year.
Thanks for stopping by! If you are all too busy to post, (or comment) I wish you blessed holidays!
Congratulations on a really cute finish! ***happy dance*** Lauralai will love this!
Hi Jean,
Thanks for the nice comments about Chuy's nativity (he's the creative one in the family - I'm only the one who follows a cross stitch chart.) It's true his nativity is really beautiful. Like Barney always says: use your imagination !!! lol
I love your finished piece !!! Too bad your daughter is not going to be with you for christmas (but who can compete with Obama? We can't ! ;-) lol )
By the way, may I ask what kind of job do you do?
Hope you have a wonderful christmas full of love !!!
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