I started on a freebie last night - the tracing paper wasn't cooperating. I tried pencil and the design kept disappearing!! I had to laugh- it was a comedy of spooks making my markings disappear! I was watching Mr. Mom - an old favorite that I found on TV while I was stitching - still enjoyed it after all these years.

I appreciate your stopping by and as always, enjoy your comments. In this freezing cold, you are my only outside contacts!! How sad is that! We just finished a single digit cold spell which lasted a week- you folks in the north know what I'm talking about!! Brr.....
Looking forward to see how this turns out!!
Ooo, pretty!
I am so tired of the cold...I wish it would snow but no, it's just cold.
Very nice Jean~~this will be lovely when finished!!!
Stay Warm!!! Of course, you could come visit me...70's today and tomorrow, unbelievable!
Can't wait to see it grow :) Looks very pretty so far!
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