I went to the lns after lusting after everyone else's patterns but felt lost in there. I hadn't slept much and felt sick to my stomach from not eating (I hate the day after my last night of work!). I browsed but wasn't moved into buying a single pattern. I did end up with a freebie that was stitched up which looks fun. The best part was I got a few packages of fabric. They didn't used to have these, but now they have baskets filled with precut pieces of different sizes (probably remnants) and that was fun to look through. For a change there was a really sweet clerk who I didn't mind dealing with and eyeballed a piece of fabric for a needlebook I want to do some day.
I am now in limbo - unsure what to make next but desparate to get something going! PANIC!
I stopped at my newly discovered needlework shop and did find something I liked - $26 not including fabric. I told her I'd think on it!
Thanks for stopping - I appreciate your comments.
I read about you on Michelle;s blog and am also a Buffalo Bills fan so I had to find out where you are from. I am in LeRoy so probably about 30 minutes away from you.
I came over from Michele's blog too - you did such a nice job on the PIF. Who could tell it was your first one. I get a bit lost at my LNS too - it's kind of overwhelming. So is blogging, but it gets easier and is really fun!
Really like this little design so far, and also the color you decided on. CJ(ok;-)
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