Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter surprise and a finish

There was a banging on the door (how about using the doorbell?) I dreaded having anyone drop by at that moment, but I looked out the window to get a clue and there was a flower delivery truck! Flowers were delivered to me. I was so touched and surprised. All I could think was "how sweet of Rich (my husband) to do this- he finally gets it!" (gets it meaning "what women love") So, I read the card and it had a very sweet message on it and no signature. I turned it over and it wasn't from him!! Double surprise!! It was from my very dearest cousin- we email every day and I consider her a sister! Here's a picture of my beautiful gift. It's clear she knows "what women love!"

Last night I finally took pictures of my Russian Spring Motif that I finished. It is a lovely and simple design to stitch, but took me a long time to finish. My wrist and shoulder were bothering me so I tried to rest them. All the pics look dark - I didn't take time to edit them but I see now I should have! Ooops!

Russian Motif- Spring
Designer: Olga Teague
28 ct Evenweave - white
You will see different pictures of my new stitching frame called "Grip-n-Stitch". Someone online recommended it and I ordered it all the way from England. I think I told you without the directions it took me forever to get it together properly. As soon as it was snapped together, I opened my binder and there sat the directions. At any rate, I had serious concerns about the holes it makes in the fabric, but the original blogger assured me that they come out by "just running your fingers down the fabric" when you remove it from the frame. Ok..... I was skeptical. I figured the holes are in the extra fabric so don't fret. Well, she was totally right! There was a line of holes, I ran my finger along them and they disappeared! I think I'm going to love this frame!!!

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you enjoy your weekend and that your days are blessed.
Hugs and stitches,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here's the present!

Here's the finished present I sent to my daughter. Her birthday was yesterday and I told her to call me when she opened it. She really loved it. She asked "how many times did you start over?" (Once) We had a good laugh! She knows how I struggled through her Christmas present which looks incredibly simple, but went bad after a few "miscounts"!! Thank you, Sharon for sharing this wonderful design with us!

She is a cross stitcher and appreciated the "over one" stitches and all the work that goes into a cross stitch project.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. We are having a sunny "spring teaser" today. We are getting spring fever, but it will be cooled when the snow arrives on Monday. Ugh!

Thank you for stopping by!
Hugs and Stitches,

Friday, March 27, 2009

New piece to work show

Here is the little bit I have stitched on Olenka's Russian design which she was so generous to share. I have it on my new Grip-n-stitch frame and so far I am liking it. I wasn't sure if I would. I'll see when I do a larger piece. When I have the frame apart, I will take pictures of it. Once the fabric is stretched over it, you can't easily pop it off like a hoop or Q snaps. It's on for the duration!

Later I will post my daughter's gift that I made her. She should receive it today. Yeah!!

Thank goodness for cyberfriends. I have to thank Michelle B. for helping me to figure out a blog problem. I wanted to have my blog list with names instead of blog sites. She suggested something and Voile! I got it to work. Thanks Michelle!

Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you are all having fun stitching.
Hugs and Stitches.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I forgot to show you!

Here is a bag that started out as a gift, then I realized that every time I looked at it, I really liked it and decided to keep it for myself. Yup! A pressie for me! How often do we do that? I set the guilt aside and gave the recipient another well chosen (and ultimately loved) gift. So, I'm now using this bag and really like it because it has a zipper on top. My stuff doesn't topple out when my bag takes an untimely fall from the couch or the cats decide to explore.

I only used part of the pattern for the pocket. Sorry for the dark photo - I don't know what that is about!
Design: Bluebirds and Daisies
14 ct. Aida
Freebie: Blue Ribbon Designs

I haven't done much stitching since Sunday. I started a design that I'm not really feeling like doing and don't have something I'm interested in. Hmm.....

I bought a new stitching frame I saw someone recommend on someone's blog. It's called Grip-n-Stitch and can only be purchased outside the USA. I ordered one and during the power outage I tried figuring out how to put it together and to make it the right size. I didn't have the instructions at my husbands office and after 20 minutes (I'm not too bright!), I had it figured out. I opened my binder to find a pattern and the first thing I found was illustrated instructions! I am not sure how I like it. Does anyone use this particular frame? I'll post some pics in the future.

My cat Sasha is a bit skittish about being handled. HOWEVER, she has decided it is safe to sit on my lap while I'm at the computer. By "on my lap" I mean, lays across my arms and limits my hand movements. If I try to adjust her, she jumps off. It's a trade off - well, really it's her terms or not at all! I have to be careful what I wish for~

Thanks for stopping by. I have been enjoying all the lovely comments you have been leaving. Using Google reader has helped me stay on top of commenting on your posts, too!
Hugs and Stitches,

Monday, March 23, 2009

freebie search

I saw a freebie on the Freebie Gallery called "Shepherd's lambs" by Shepherd's bush. It's an old pattern. Does anyone have this pattern or know where I can find it? I can't seem to find it online. Thanks.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Now I can show you!

My PIF has been received by Shel in Ireland. It was a piece that I saw on her wish list. I really like the words- nice words to live by! ( It looks a little wrinkled - but I think it got ironed out ok in the end).

I'm almost done with my gift and will post it as soon as the recipient gets it. I have been doing the over one sitting next to a window and it made all the difference in the world, and I limited the amount of stitching I would do at one time. It's coming out really nice!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Hugs and stitches,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

making progress

I can't show any pictures for a bit. I'm making a gift (Daffy cat - you know what it is), but I don't want the recipient to see it! I will say this - I don't know how any of you work over 1! Do you have eyes like eagles? I'm struggling along! I work on it near a window. My magnifying glass that hangs around my neck makes me nuts (well, more nuts!) so I'm bumbling along. I'm surprised it is looking as nice as it is!

I don't know how it is that some people can return anything and the store will take it back, and I have had no luck lately! I was at Michaels and the woman in front of me was returning a bottle of gold leaf that was in an opened bubble pack on cardboard. She had it taped with BLUE masking tape (3 pieces!) and no receipt. The clerk starts ringing up the return (no questions asked). The woman didn't have a receipt and told the clerk - I used a coupon. The clerk says "when you return without a receipt, we take 20% off so I think you'll make out better." Duh! They are paying the woman money who is returning an unsaleable item money! Now fast forward to me at Joann's. I try to return a skein of yarn with a receipt and the woman looks aghast at me and says "We can't take this back!! It's too old!!" (meaning it was past 90 days.) Incredible! I won't even go into what I think the job requirements are to work there, but I will say I think one of them is "must be crabby". Enough said.

I hope you are all having a lovely week! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hugs and stitches!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ribbon ornament

I finished my breast cancer auction ornament. For this one time, I am going to accept how I did the work and not be so hard on myself criticizing every little flaw. All in all, I think it is pretty and will be appreciated. Now to the post office to get it in the mail and my PIF!

I will post my PIF once it has been received. I have noticed a number of people saying that no one is signing up for their PIF. I am guessing that many people are already involved in exchanges. One person said when no one signed up, she decided to just do RAK to fulfill her end of the bargain. I thought that was a really great solution.

I am still finishing my old pile of things that are awaiting the light of day. I am making good progress and hope to try a finish I've never done - perhaps a bourse. I think I have what I need for one. Wish me luck!

Happy weekend to everyone!!!
Love and stitches,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Start

Have you ever made a mistake and just couldn't work around it? I can't believe that happened to me. I made a mistake on the ornament piece I am working on and it affected the whole look- it was lopsided. I was too far along to frog so I just started over. I started at a different point to make sure I wouldn't have the same problem. When I restarted this ornie, I was working in bad light (and complaining about it to no avail). I had agreed a few months ago to make an ornament for the breast cancer Christmas tree ornament auction. I would be almost finished if I hadn't made that error as I had started at the top the first time. Nevertheless, I will probably finish the stitching today.

I think it is interesting that I had agreed to make this ornie and then found out my cousin had breast cancer. I'm really glad I could help the cause. It's a small thing to do for such a worthy cause, that's for sure! If you are interested in seeing the site - the details are on Nov 4.

Hugs and stitches!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Really Done !

Can I have an AMEN!!

I finished this today and am really happy with how it came out. I am using filler that is in little clusters (about the size of a pencil eraser) and they aren't fun to work with on small projects. It is a nice filler because it fills in nicely and doesn't leave lumpy spots or get matted down.

It seems like there hasn't been much activity in the blogging world. I imagine everyone is busy finishing things or are lurking!!

This is a freebie by Blue Ribbon Designs. I changed the lettering as I don't particularly care for words written in all Upper Case Fancy letters. I tried to make them a little less like first letters of a capitalized word. I'm pleased with how it turned out. I used most of the recommended floss, though a few might be different.

The backing was a problem. I just realized that I have no Christmas fabrics and Joann's doesn't have any! I was in a hurry to finish this and picked up the checked fabric at Walmart. We're lucky our Walmart still has fabric, though I hear it is being phased out.

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by!
Love and stitches,


Do you ever work on something and for some reason it's really hard for you to finish? That was me with this design. I started at the end of December. I think I was just "done" with Christmas and I didn't feel like finishing it and plugged along, then finally put it aside. I kept thinking - just finish it for heavens sake! But I couldn't do it. Finally, a few days ago, I dragged it out and oops! I couldn't find the floss I had been using! A reprieve. I persisted and then picked it up and begrudgingly finished it. I can't believe how it felt like torture, but I was determined to finish it. Today I will sew it up and hopefully adopt some positive feelings toward it!!! LOL! forgive the wrinkles. I ran out of steam (oh, funny pun..... not intended!)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My latest creation

The snuggler has been made! The fabric has been sitting in a bag for 2 weeks and the weather got warmer (above 20). I wasn't lulled into the false sense that spring was on it's way - I know better!! So, I stitched it up and my willing son modeled it for me. He doesn't look his best, but he was game to be photographed in it! I don't think he knows his picture is splashed across the web, though!

The fabric is Blizzard - as I said in an earlier post, it has a bit more static than other brand so fleece or it might be how extremely dry my house is with the heater constantly running.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Here's Sasha enjoying the blankie! She's such a girl!!

A pressie

Here is a blankie I made to give to my cousin who just had a double mastectomy. I think she might like to have it during her chemo treatments. I bought a new rotary cutter with the wavy edge to finish the edges. In the past I have done different stitching on the edges but it seemed to come out a bit inconsistent as the fabric doesn't feed as evenly as woven fabrics. The fabric here is Blizzard polar fleece and happens to be on sale at Joann's. It has a lot more static than the other brand of fleece I buy so I'll give it a good spray of Static Guard. What did we do before Static Guard? I love it.

I hope all you friends keep up on your mammograms. I'm sorry to say that my cousin let it go for a few years and the cancer is quite advanced. I'm on my soap box because I know that she, like the rest of us, thought it couldn't happen to her. It happens to other people. It's safe to say if she had rescheduled her missed appointment years ago, they would have found it much earlier. We must be our own best care takers. I'm off my soap box (and I hope you listened!!)

Hugs and Stitches!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One more!

Here's my latest finish! I can hardly believe that I'm on this roll.... I'm sure you can't either. Anyone who has read my blog knows that I have a drawer full of pieces waiting to see the light of day! I did this cross stitch last fall so I'm doing pretty well! Future posts will show you a piece that is signed 1984, but we won't go there right now!

The color looks very pinkish, but it's only the lighting. It's actually an antique white. I originally made these with the intention of framing them and hanging them in my bedroom. Unfortunately, the cloth is slightly different colors and would look bad next to each other. I hastily grabbed the fabric on my way to a night shift and in the poor light, they looked the same.

Nevertheless, it forced me to try a new finishing technique which I have never done and I was quite pleased with it.

Pattern: Good morning Good Evening
Bright Needle
Aida 16 ct - antique white
The side view looks like the trim isn't centered but it is just the angle of the photo. It really looks pretty good in real life.

Thanks for stopping by! You've been a great support to me.
Hugs and Stitches!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Still rolling!!!!

I can hardly believe it !! I framed another piece!

I'm going to come clean and tell you that this Amish piece was done about 15+ years ago!!! It was in the stack of "to be framed or finished some day." I'm not working on any stitching for fear that I'll lose my motivation to finish the stack, but I haven't lost my mojo. I've got a whole binder full of patterns to ponder.
For years we rented a house on Keuka Lake which is one of the Finger Lakes in NY. The house was next to my sister's cottage. Now we vacation in her new lake home. There is a large population of Amish and Mennonites in the area and it isn't uncommon to see them at the supermarket or to see their carriage and horses sharing the roads.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! I love all your comments- thanks a million!
Hugs and Stitches!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm on a roll!

I hope you're sitting because I have another "finish" to show you!!!! I can't even believe it.
Here it is!!

This is Lizzie Kate's Peace, Joy, Love in my own choice of DMC floss colors. I wanted it less Christmasy. I really like how it came out.

Here are a few close ups.

I also made the table runner and have a picture of it but it needs to be ironed - ooops!!! I'm sure you'll forgive me if I don't go back and iron it, take a picture and download it!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs and Stitches!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Another framed piece!!

I can't believe I framed another piece! I finished the stitching in December and didn't get around to framing till now. It is a RAK instead of a Christmas present, but that's ok! I'm proud to have that off my pile of "waiting patiently to be finished" pieces!!

This is Peace - a retired freebie from San Man. It was really fun to make (after the horrible white portion of the dove which seemed to take forever!) I love the scroll work and the purple French knots.

Thanks for stopping by! I know I haven't been posting too often lately, but I'll be better about it now that I'm on track!
Hugs and stitches!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's Rochester, New York!

Remember a while back, I was lamenting that an old piece had stains and rust on it? Not all the stains came out, but it isn't too obvious to the untrained eye. The rust didn't come out, but I just stitched over the few spots where the stitches were rusty and it covered it ok. It would have been better if they were full x's instead of 1/2 cross, but nonetheless, it's done. I noticed it shows in the photo if you click on it, but luckily in real life it isn't as obvious!

I bought the frame for FIFTY CENTS!!! I couldn't believe it! It's hard to find the right size frame for longer pieces - they're all pretty standard, but this was an OOPS at Joanns. There aren't many I've found that work out, nor for such a cheap price!

That's the good news. The bad news is I cut the acid free foam core for mounting just enough too small that it barely covers the opening. It doesn't show but I have to play around on the back to wedge the piece in tightly. I'm saving it to give to my husband. Like I said earlier, this was a very early piece I stitched and I can really see a difference in my stitching from then to now.

I am on a kick to get things framed and finished. I really want to start a few new things, but it will have to wait. You know my fantasy of the finishing fairy showing up. Well, maybe, just maybe a finishing inspiration has come over me!

I'll show you another piece tomorrow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Thank you for all your input about kits. It seems as though everyone just kits up using a skein for each color as indicated on the chart.

My question was more about cutting lengths of floss and putting them on a floss card and wondering how to estimate the number of strands (or lengths) of floss to use.

I have done it this way for years but usually it was for smaller charts. When I started cross stitch years ago, I started by doing kits and they would come with all the floss cut in strands to separate and put on the enclosed card with holes in it. I assumed that people were doing that too, when they said the kitted a piece.

It's been interesting to hear that most people just toss a whole skein in the bag for the project and it sure makes a lot more sense than the way I've been doing it! Especially with DMC which goes on sale often for a pretty cheap price! When I have used the overdyed, I always just put the whole skein together with the project.

Speaking of overdyed floss, I need to invest in some. It gives such a lovely result! I hardly have any at all. I'll have to remember that for my birthday.

I haven't shown the pieces I have been working on as they are gifts. I need to send them out but just haven't gotten around to them. As I assembled them into finished projects, I was thinking - I should do a tutorial! I sat back and closed my eyes till that crazy thought passed - especially since I cut my fabric out too small BOTH times I did this project!! You probably heard me screaming around 2 o'clock EST!!!! Sorry!

I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I certainly enjoy all your comments and I appreciate that you have taken time to leave them!! You're the best!
Love and stitches,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How do you estimate?

Thanks for the responses to my previous post.

I am still looking for how to estimate how much floss to use if I want to make up a kit. Any advice?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tell me how you do it!

I'm having trouble figuring out how to estimate floss when I'm starting a pattern or setting up a kit. I always run short. So, here's where you come in. I'd like to hear from you veterans how you set up your kits and projects.

I'm not a fan of bobbins. I tried them and don't like how curly the floss gets. I use floss bags. Other than floss bobbins - how you you organize your floss for a project? I usually punch holes on an index card and label the color floss and the symbol from the chart.

I can't wait to hear how you fellow stitchers organize your projects!

Thank you in advance for you input!
Love and stitches,

Monday, February 2, 2009


I have finished a PIF but haven't sent it out yet. Hence- no pictures. I am pleased with how it came out.

Thanks to Tracy's detective work, I was able to order the Spring Lamb kit pictured below. I didn't realize that it was all beaded until I got it. I made one of these in the past and really liked it. I have to be very careful not to drop the beads- that's torture!!! I am looking forward to starting it in the next few days.

Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your kindness leaving comments.

Hugs and Stitches!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Totally impressed!!!!

Thank you Tracy for finding the lamb pattern. You are FAST!!!! Cyberhelpers are the greatest. Hope I can return the favor!!

I'm working on a PIF piece right now and am almost finished. It's been a fun piece to stitch and I'm trying to figure out how I want to finish it. I have a day to mull this over.

I'm over my stitching slump. I think this PIF got me back in the mood. Pretty soon you will see some finishes!!!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving me comments. I'm not seeing many people in this deep freeze so it's always great to hear from you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

need help

Does anyone recognize this pattern? I'm in love with it. It was on a French blog and the post just mentioned "Mill Hill" - I've searched many ways but no luck. Hope someone out there knows this piece!

I am now working on finishing up my PIF's. I still have some time, but I'm getting it done. Speaking of...... Katrina- you won my PIF last July and I never heard from you. Are you still interested? Contact me please!

Another snowy, cold day. Soup is in the crock pot. I got the beef browned, threw all the ingredients in and started enjoying the aroma. Walked past the crock pot only to discover I never turned it on! I must have been smelling the browned beef!! I also have a spaghetti pie all ready for supper! Yummy!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cleaning up!

I have been reading some blogs and there seems to be a theme- people sick and people cleaning. Luckily I am only in the cleaning group at this point except for a sore back. We are cleaning out 25 years of accumulated clutter. It was kind of fun at times - I came across the kids baby books and they are really enjoying them. I know some people do a great job with child one, less with next and the last has comments in the margins of the other books. Not me! Each book is chock full of stories and anecdotes. We laughed so hard. I did this for many years with each of them - minimum of 5 years and I'm so glad I took the time. If you are a young mother reading this - get your hands on a journal or baby book with lots of blank space and write and write. I used to set aside a time each month to update. It didn't take long and the joy of seeing the kids reactions now as young adults is priceless. Even if the kids are older - start. The remembered friends and events from when they were in 4th grade and beyond and treasure those tidbits as much as the baby updates. Our favorite parts of all three books were the misprounounced words: griefcase (briefcase), Hot Donalds (McDonalds), washslosh (wash cloth), gooster chair (booster chair), Hellophone (telephone) to mention a few.

I'm struggling to finish Noel. I'm not in the spirit but don't want it ending up a UFO. How many of you like receiving Christmas ornaments during the year? I need some input here!

We have 2 cats and they are NOT mousers. It seems when the cold weather comes, we have a few squatters and end up having to set up traps. Sweetie is a riot. She will bring us the mousetrap with the mouse in it as if to say "I caught a mouse! I love these things (mousetraps)!!" In a way it's preferable to them bringing me their carcasses to admire and praise without the trap attached.

I hope you are all warm and cozy! It's bitter cold here 9 degrees. Brr! Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It's time consuming to download my photos as I have to hold the cable until they are loaded. What a drag! Nonetheless, I am committed to showing more of the progress I am making on pieces as I love seeing photos on other people's blogs. So, here goes.

Here she is - I'm really enjoying stitching her (thanks for the inspiration, Staci) I switched to backstitching and am enjoying it even more- I can manage the smaller curves nicely. I went out and bought buttons for her for the end.

Here's my freebie Noel that I started around Christmas and somehow lost the Christmas spirit. I am thinking - who wants to get a Christmas piece now? We're so saturated from the early appearance of Christmas in retail, it's hard to maintain that innocent anticipation after 4 months. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong!! Maybe I'm just ready for some Valentine excitement at this point. I'll hurry up and finish it and move on. I'm really liking this piece, too.

Has anyone seen the gorgeous piece Daffyduck has designed for her daughter's birthday? It's worth taking look. She is generously giving us her chart for free - Thank you, Sharon!!!

Another cold day in Rochester- I'm definitely going to set a cross stitch goal for the next few days and hopefully, you'll see the fruits of my labor!

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your friendship and support.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Still working on it!

I actually finished one of my pieces. It's a gift and I took pictures but you'll have to wait to see what I made.

I started on a freebie last night - the tracing paper wasn't cooperating. I tried pencil and the design kept disappearing!! I had to laugh- it was a comedy of spooks making my markings disappear! I was watching Mr. Mom - an old favorite that I found on TV while I was stitching - still enjoyed it after all these years.

This piece is embroidered. I forgot how much I like embroidery. I saw this piece on Staci's site in October and just got the notion that I needed to do one, too! Gotta love those freebies! I'm using 2 strands of DMC floss on white flannel. You can almost see the design if you look hard! I am using an outline stitch, but maybe a backstitch would be better. Maybe I'll use both- the backstitch is a very versatile stitch.

I appreciate your stopping by and as always, enjoy your comments. In this freezing cold, you are my only outside contacts!! How sad is that! We just finished a single digit cold spell which lasted a week- you folks in the north know what I'm talking about!! Brr.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back in the saddle again!

Tnanks for all your supportive comments. I picked up the Noel I was working on and put in a few stitches. It was fun to be stitching again!

I made a few "Draft Dodgers" yesterday and today. I live in a older home (about 90 years old -seems hard to believe!) and some of the windows are drafty. It's in the single digits here in western NY and frigid. I could feel the air seeping through the kitchen window and set off to make some draft stoppers - fabric tubes filled with kitty litter. I learned a few things in making them - estimate a wider piece of fabric than you think you will need. If you fill the tube pretty solid (to give it the weight it needs), it isn't as wide as you think it will turn out! It's rounder and higher and that makes it narrower (if that makes any sense to you!). I had to make a second one and if truth be told, I should have made it even bigger, but it is working ok. I used the first one on the middle sash of the window which didn't need the same width as the sill. I'm pleased! I also came up with a great idea for a funnel. I needed a funnel with a wider bottom to accommodate the kitty litter I was pouring in. I took a 20 oz. soda bottle and off the bottom third. The opening at the neck went into the tube and was easy to hold and I used the bottom of the bottle as a scooper! It was a cheap solution and worked really well. The only thing I would've done differently is tie a scarf around my nose and mouth. The dust from the kitty litter kind of aggravated my nose and lungs a tiny bit. I also learned a trick on-line. I've been making these for years and never thought of this. One site suggested ironing interfacing on the fabric and I used that idea. It keeps the fine dust particles from sneaking out of the weave of the fabric. I guess you can always learn new things!

Here's another thing I like to make for myself and the family - different size cozies. I sew a two pieces of fabric together in square shape or rectangle (or other shape like a kitty) and fill it with uncooked rice and stitch it shut. Warm this in the microwave and put it on sore joints or muscles. I like to put them on my forehead or cheeks when I have a cold to help drain my sinuses and it feels really good. Don't fill them too full and they will shape around the body part. In these parts, we warm them up just to warm up our hands or feet when it's this cold out! It's a nice moist heat (believe it or not) and feels wonderful. Slip one in bed while you're brushing your teeth and it warms you right up! Flannel is my favorite fabric to use, but any fabric is suitable. Now if you are out there saying "I wish I knew how to sew!" help is on the way. You can fill an old sock with rice, put a rubber band tightly to secure the rice and pop it in the microwave. Not fancy - that's for sure, but it works! When the rice gets really old and smells slightly burned (this doesn't happen for a long time!), just replace the rice or make a new one! Hey - you could use my new bottle funnel to fill the rice!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope this year brings you a positive change in an area where you are wishing for one!

I haven't stitched ONE STITCH since my Christmas project for Lauralai!!! I cant' seem to get going. We are in the midst of cleaning out 30 years of accumulation in our attic and that is huge! It feels good to be getting it done.

I have been reading blogs and getting inspired- now I have to get going on my own stuff. I guess I have to remember that this is supposed to be a pleasurable pastime, not a competition. It's hard not to get down on oneself when others are being productive. I will be gentle on my soul and pick up a UFO and that should get me going in the right direction.

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments and your support.