Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, Monday

How can it be snowing and it's only November??? It's ROCHESTER NY- that's why! I tell you - we have more winter than I can stand. It starts now and ends sometime around May. See the sunshine in the photo? That was just a tease!! Clouds came right over and started dropping snow.....

Here is the progress I'm making on my Cattitudes. I changed the colors on the kitty to make it more like Sweetie. I am going to try to make some progress on it in between doing my day off chores.
Have a great day! Enjoy any nice weather you are having for me! I appreciate your comments- thanks for being great blog friends.


Ginnie said...

The cat is looking very sweet. Doubt if we'll get any snow here yet... just rain!!

Daffycat said...

No snow here...I'll trade a few weeks with you this winter, if you'd like. Some days we are still running the AC!

Your Crafty Cat looks great. I like your color changes. Wow, you are almost finished!

staci said...

Very nice progress Jean :)

Shelleen said...

you are 30 minutes away from me and we have had snow on and off all day. Sometimes heavy and they are calling for 2-4 inches. YUCK!!!