Here is a bag that started out as a gift, then I realized that every time I looked at it, I really liked it and decided to keep it for myself. Yup! A pressie for me! How often do we do that? I set the guilt aside and gave the recipient another well chosen (and ultimately loved) gift. So, I'm now using this bag and really like it because it has a zipper on top. My stuff doesn't topple out when my bag takes an untimely fall from the couch or the cats decide to explore.
I only used part of the pattern for the pocket. Sorry for the dark photo - I don't know what that is about!
14 ct. Aida
Freebie: Blue Ribbon Designs
I haven't done much stitching since Sunday. I started a design that I'm not really feeling like doing and don't have something I'm interested in. Hmm.....
I bought a new stitching frame I saw someone recommend on someone's blog. It's called Grip-n-Stitch and can only be purchased outside the USA. I ordered one and during the power outage I tried figuring out how to put it together and to make it the right size. I didn't have the instructions at my husbands office and after 20 minutes (I'm not too bright!), I had it figured out. I opened my binder to find a pattern and the first thing I found was illustrated instructions! I am not sure how I like it. Does anyone use this particular frame? I'll post some pics in the future.
My cat Sasha is a bit skittish about being handled. HOWEVER, she has decided it is safe to sit on my lap while I'm at the computer. By "on my lap" I mean, lays across my arms and limits my hand movements. If I try to adjust her, she jumps off. It's a trade off - well, really it's her terms or not at all! I have to be careful what I wish for~
Thanks for stopping by. I have been enjoying all the lovely comments you have been leaving. Using Google reader has helped me stay on top of commenting on your posts, too!
Hugs and Stitches,
LOVE it! That is a wonderful finish Jean!!!
Great bag, I really want to use my new sewing machine and make myself a tote bag to then cross stitch on!! Need to find a good pattern.
What a fabulous finish! Love the bag and the design is perfect for it.
Great job.
Lovely finish, Jean!! The design is so pretty.
How cute is that??! Fantastic job!
I love the bag Jean! glad you kept it for yourself :)
lol I wanna see pictures of the kitty!
Wow!! What a cute bag!!! Great finish!!!!
Oh, excellent bag! I just love the fabric you used to edge the stitching. Well done!
I used to lament that my late cat (Daffy) never slept with me. She would sometimes sleep with Jessie but not me. Now, our new cat, Taco, LOVES to sleep with me. Unfortunately cats are tiny furry furnaces and I'll wake up sweating and no matter how often I put her out of bed she comes right back. Be careful what you with for indeed!
Wow, what a lovely bag and how "practical it is! It would be interesting to have a look at your new frame.
Very nice way to finish a well stitched piece. Sometimes we just need to be selfish with our stitching. Who better to enjoy it, but by yourself.
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