Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Start

Have you ever made a mistake and just couldn't work around it? I can't believe that happened to me. I made a mistake on the ornament piece I am working on and it affected the whole look- it was lopsided. I was too far along to frog so I just started over. I started at a different point to make sure I wouldn't have the same problem. When I restarted this ornie, I was working in bad light (and complaining about it to no avail). I had agreed a few months ago to make an ornament for the breast cancer Christmas tree ornament auction. I would be almost finished if I hadn't made that error as I had started at the top the first time. Nevertheless, I will probably finish the stitching today.

I think it is interesting that I had agreed to make this ornie and then found out my cousin had breast cancer. I'm really glad I could help the cause. It's a small thing to do for such a worthy cause, that's for sure! If you are interested in seeing the site - the details are on Nov 4.

Hugs and stitches!

1 comment:

Ginnie said...

What a shame you had to start again. I have just completed my ornament for this cause and sent it to Donna. I look forward to seeing yours.